Answers to the SEO Questions You Were too Afraid to Ask | Lead Genera

Answers to the SEO Questions You Were too Afraid to Ask

 As we have mentioned in many of our articles in regards to SEO, it can sometimes be a minefield to navigate. However, over complicating the process is sometimes the downfall for many. If you are new to SEO or even experienced asking questions is only going to benefit. If you have been scared however, we have you covered. This article will cover the answers to the SEO questions you were afraid to ask.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. SEO is a marketing technique that really helps your website, and also your brand to be recognised. Ensuring your content on your website, or what you are putting out to your audience follows these guidelines can make a huge impact on your organic traffic. 

SEO works alongside a number of algorithms on various search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing to rank the content you are producing. The better your ranking, the higher up the search engine you will appear.  The higher up the search engine you appear, the better chance you have being found over your competitors.

What is the difference between paid and organic search?

Paid and Organic search are very different from one another. Organic search is centered around SEO as mentioned in question one. It means the results that appear on search engines for free. You achieve these results by putting out content, using SEO techniques and improving your ranking score. 

Paid is exactly what it says on the tin. Paid are results in which you have invested money into. You still need to use the same keywords as you use for organic, however you have paid to have an advert of some type at the top of the search engine. This should realistically increase your chances of being clicked as you are the first thing in which they see.

Both paid and organic search are great, and using a mixture of the two is going to help create the best results. Paid is very much focused around ROI so be aware of the investment you are making.

How do I know I have used the right number of keywords?

If you are focusing on how many keywords you are putting into your content then you are looking at SEO the wrong way. SEO is not about how many words, but the quality of them keywords. Inserting too many keywords can result in you keyword ‘stuffing’ which can be penalised by search engines.

The best way to use keywords is to really consider what are the top few being searched for. You will find natural opportunities to insert them, instead of trying to make it unnatural, and not a pleasant reading experience for you audience.

What is the difference between Internal and Inbound Links?

SEO relies on the internal and inbound links which come together with your content. Both are very useful for SEO, and both are relatively easy to obtain. Internal links are links that go from one page on your site to another. Linking your content to other pieces on your website can help retain website traffic. 

Inbound links are slightly different, and can take time to generate. An inbound link is when someone else links from their content to yours. This is great for building positive SEO, and also attracting extra traffic from other sources. 

Do I need to know code to do SEO?

No, you do not need to know how to code for the basic elements of SEO. Having a knowledge of HTML and also some CSS can really help when delving deeper into the world of SEO. This is because at this stage you are going to look at inserting headings and also meta tags into your work. Both of which will need to be done on the front end of the website, or blog you are working on.

How long does it take to see results from SEO?

Unfortunately there is no set time frame on how long it will take to see results. Each and everyone’s goals are different, as well as their output on content. Key factors to consider could be:-

  • How much content you create 
  • What is the quality of that content 
  • Does the content fit with your audience 
  • Are you a big or small site, and how many competitors do you have 

The size of your site is a big contributor, and also the amount of content you are able to create. Remember large companies may be putting out 3-4 pieces a day, and you may be doing that per week. All it means is that it will take slightly longer to move up the rankings. But do not be deterred. No matter the size of the business, it’s about how well you use SEO.

Tracking your results from SEO is important as you need to know the time you are investing is going to be beneficial. Here are some of the most used tools in the industry. 14 of the Best SEO Tools for Auditing & Monitoring Your Website in 2020

To Conclude

Hopefully the above has given answers to the SEO questions you were too afraid to ask. SEO is a complex marketing tool when you delve in deeper, but the results it can give are astounding. Search engine rankings are so important for organic search, and with more and more people searching the internet now more than ever you need to be involved.