CRM Platform and Customer Relations | Lead Genera

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CRM software solves a huge problem. Sales go stagnant. Customers start looking for alternatives. Growth is hacked in half by the disruptive companies that are using these softwares effectively. By intelligently storing and managing your customers’ data, a CRM solution helps to increase lead volumes and helps your marketing team find new customers faster. Sales teams can close more deals faster and customer service becomes greatly enhanced across all of your operations.

CRM Platforms and Customer Relations

So – we’ve helped you get more enquiries and sales leads – brilliant. But how are you going to manage them all? What are you going to do to make sure nothing slips through the net?After all, you’ve spent hard-earned money trying to generate additional business – so why let any of it go to waste?Fear not, we can help with this too. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the modern day is a pain-free and cost effective way of making sure that all your hard work getting extra potential customers doesn’t end up being wasted.

If you snooze, you lose.

Customer Relations has always been an important part of business, but in today’s age people expect quick responses, and hate being ignored.Consumer expectations have changed rapidly in the last decade, and nobody likes to be kept waiting in a world of instant-click gratification and next day deliveries.Research suggests that you have about 1 hour from the moment a potential customer contacts your business before they start asking your competitors for an alternative. If it takes you a day to respond, they would prefer not to deal with you unless they have no choice.

Never miss anything.

CRM is software that captures all your sales leads and moves them through each stage of your sales enquiry funnel, from initial contact through the ordering process and even aftersales. It also makes sure no-one gets left behind, or ignored.In the old days, ramping up your sales meant increasing the number of employees needed to manage the sales process in the office – these days you just need to add some clever software, giving you full control, full visibility, zero losses and less of an investment.CRM platforms reduce the manpower required to interact with clients while moving them through your sales pipeline, at the same time giving you full visibility of your warm or hot leads, sales-in-process, and after sales opportunities, all at a glance.


Make it personal.

You can automate some of the communications your customer receives at each stage of the sale, and automate aftersales messages to make your customer feel looked after and valued, while also trying to generate repeat business and get your customers to recommend you.You set your own milestones for how a customer travels through from enquiry to sale, and the system monitors and reports on your sales funnel. You also decide how to personalise your communications, controlling the quality of your interactions with your customers and clients.If an enquiry needs a response, the person who needs to respond is told to get in touch by the system, so your customer should never be left waiting for an answer, and never be given an opportunity to do business with your competitor.We can help your business come across with the right values and personality in your automated messaging as part of our service.While we are capable of making bespoke CRM systems to cater for any need, we are a certified partner of HubSpot who provide an online system that can integrate with your website easily, and be tailored to suit your workflow, systems and internal processes. Our team has a solution for every size of business in any industry.All of this can be set up for you while we work on your website if you like, giving you the peace of mind that you won’t be missing out on any of the new opportunities we generate for you with your new website design.


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Here at Lead Genera, our devoted team of experts are committed to delving in the essence of your business. By comprehensively understanding your consumer base, motivations, and specific hurdles, we craft customised strategies geared towards achieving unparalleled success on Amazon.

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