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Managing Your Marketing in Lockdown
As we approach the end of the UK wide lockdown, or at least a softening of the measures in place, marketing is still a very integral business process. The global pandemic will undoubtedly have changed how your business works, and also how it will approach your audience/customers. This article will look at how managing your marketing in a lockdown can help your business to still prosper.
Keep Connected with Your Customers
Keeping connected with your customers is vital to being able to maintain the relationships that you have built previously. Check in calls, emails or even a message via social media can mean all the difference to previous customers.
During this time social media is going to be the best thing for you to utilise. As people have more time in their homes, at their computers and not thinking about work you can really appeal to them even more so. By keeping in contact, you also will be at the forefront of their mind if they are thinking about having any work completed or need your services.
Improve Your Online Presence
This is what part of your marketing should be centered around. Digital Marketing is very important, and now so more than ever as it is contactless. With the UK and world on lockdown, it helps you to be able to reach out and speak with your customers without having to see them.
If you have not changed your marketing to suit the digital era now is the most important time to do this. Utilising social media, blogging, and even paid advertising is a great way to reach your audience. What it also does is allow you to track how success your marketing is. Having a clear goal, and also what you see as ROI is vital.
Adapt Your Offerings to the Circumstances
Adaption is the best thing for a business. Having that flexibility to be able to change when needed is a great asset, and one many corporate companies lose over time. As you will see from many companies they have diversified their products and services. This is a great thing to do in these current times, especially if you are able to help assist others.
Also, during this period any revenue is great. The extra revenue you are able to produce can have a profound effect on the success of your business now, and also moving forward. Who knows, you may find another revenue stream that you had not thought of before.
Keep on Top of Your Marketing Metrics
Just because you are in lockdown does not mean that the metrics you use have any less of importance to your business. Ensuring you keep track of the goings on is super important as you can still have an impact. Metrics may show that your time to post has changed or even what you are posting may not be working. This is where you need to tailor your approach.
Tailoring your approach will help to keep your marketing in top form, and could help to generate extra revenue post lockdown. Metrics will still be of key importance, so do not neglect them now.
Improve Your Site’s SEO
Improving your sites SEO is vital whilst managing your marketing during lockdown. It is great to have an improved digital presence, however if no one knows who you are or going to your website then your efforts are somewhat wasted. All businesses with a website need to operate good search engine optimisation or SEO if they want to stand out within their market.
Google rankings help your content to be found when people search for it. When we say search for it we do not mean directly, we mean the keywords which are included. These can be one word or even 2-3 word combinations. Alongside a few other things SEO helps you to rank higher. The higher you are up the search rankings, the better chance you have of generating traffic.
Giving your audience creative and great content means they buy into you and your business. A mixture of discussions around things in your industry as well as your products and services mean you build a good reputation. A good reputation mixed with good SEO gives you a good foundation to work on.
To Conclude
Changing and managing your marketing in lockdown is going to be extremely important to how your business still operates. Marketing is one of the most useful elements of business, and with these current times having a strong marketing plan is important. The tips above are just some of the ways you can benefit your business.
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