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Maximising your LinkedIn Marketing
LinkedIn has really taken the marketing world by storm in the past few years. The rising amount of professionals has really taken the platform to new heights which companies are now taking advantage of. If you are using Linkedin for your marketing but want to do more then take a look at this guide to maximising your Linkedin marketing.
Linkedin, is it worth it?
As mentioned above LinkedIn has really grown in the last few years. It is the only platform which really does lend itself well to the professional type which is great for networking. LinkedIn allows you to really focus on your network, and connect with like minded people in your profession.
With over 660 million members active, and more joining every minute, it has now become a hub for companies to market their business. LinkedIn company pages have really pushed this forward, as well as individuals promoting themselves and their business.
Why LinkedIn Marketing
You may not think Linkedin is going to be the hub for social media marketing, but it really is. More and more companies are promoting their business, and what is great is the amount of individuals who also do self promotion for their business. Some real key statistics to look at when its comes to LinkedIn are as follows:-
- Compared to Facebook, Linkedin generates 277% more leads
- LinkedIn accounts for more than 80% of B2B Leads
- LinkedIn is the top choice for professionally relevant content and 91% of top executives choose the platform also
From these statistics you can really start maximising your LinkedIn marketing as it demonstrates how much you can appeal to the professional market. It is very relevant if you are a B2B business.
How to market on LinkedIn
Using LinkedIn for effective marketing is not at all difficult. Providing you have the basics in place. Some of the below ideas are very basic and may seem too simple, however they are things forgotten regularly by many.
Optimise your profile
If you are going to make this work then you need to do the basics well. Optimising your profile really will give you that first step into being noticed on LinkedIn. If you are marketing on a personal profile, or even a company page you need to ensure you get this right. Start with a professional photo. This is a business networking page, ensure you treat it like that. Unfortunately pictures of you in your swimming shorts won’t cut it!
Secondly, have a strong opening synopsis of you. You don’t need to sell, but give people some information about you and your business, or at least the areas you operate in. This should help to better your overall connection portfolio as well.
Publish content that adds value
Even though you are looking to promote and market your brand, LinkedIn has become a lot less salesy. People are not so keen to hear or see the sales pitch. They want to know more about the business, and the people who are running it.
From a content perspective blogs that you have written or articles that are relevant to your industry really do help people to build confidence in you. If you can generate a really solid following from accurate content then you will really increase your possible Lead Generation. A statistic to support this is that 88% of the top performers on LinkedIn put out their audience’s informational needs regularly. Content is king!
Get your employees involved
Even if people won’t admit it, they all really like a business that involves their employees. Your audience sees this as a real positive, and puts more faith in your brand. LinkedIn is all about your connections, and seeing your employees as loyal advocates really does cement why they should use you.
Encouraging your employees to like, share and even post about your business/company also helps to extend your reach to their following as well. LinkedIn groups are also a really good way to broaden your business horizons, and also get your employees known. Ask some of your LinkedIn titans to participate in groups, share ideas and promote your business.
Making sure your employees are bought in, and they will really help to strengthen your marketing strategy.
Run paid ads
LinkedIn has a really great function in utilising a matched audience feature. The matching feature lets you retarget people who have visited your website as well as those who view your profile who you are connected with. The familiarity with your brand increases the chances of converting people into leads. It also helps you to give them a gentle reminder of who you are. Another great way to start maximising your LinkedIn marketing.
Paid ads may be something you are considering looking into. Alongside our guide take a look at Hubspot Social Media Advertising 101: How to Get the Most Out of Your Ad Budget
Send personalised Inmails
InMails are the contentious part of LinkedIn, and when used right can have a positive impact. However, used wrong it can go completely the other way. Many will use the InMail process to really hard sell, and potentially be selling to the wrong person. This can really damage the reputation of your brand, as many recruiters have found out over the years.
The InMail function is only available to those who have a premium subscription, however can really help to promote your brand. When done correctly you may find you get some really great responses leading to positive lead generation. Research who you are sending it to and making it personalised are two really key elements.
Researching who you are sending it to can be key to a positive response. Having a genuine reason to approach and sell to this person can help to make it positive. Personalise the message also for added effect. Put their name and even reference something from their profile to show you have taken an interest.
To Conclude
LinkedIn is really a good way to build upon your marketing strategy. If you are already active on the platform and want to start maximising your LinkedIn marketing then follow some of the points above. B2B companies will see it vastly important to use LinkedIn. However regardless of your business, you will also find building your personal brand just as beneficial.