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How Important Is Data Capture To Your Business
Creating a database full of potential and current clients is a major key to success. Marketing demands this especially when utilising email marketing. To capture the data of your audience means you then are able to engage, actively sell and even passively sell. From these efforts you should then see a big shift in how your business works. In our latest blog we take a look at how important is data capture to your business.
What Is Data Capture
So to begin let’s take a look at what is data capture. Data Capture is the method of collecting information on your customers or clients. This data is then inputted into your CRM system or database. From here you can utilise your data for a variety of reasons including marketing or even sales.
Why Is It Important
As with all things within your business it is important to make sure that you have a good data capture strategy. This will involve looking at ways to capture data and also what you can do with it. Once you have this strategy in place, as well as understanding who your targets are you can really push yourselves forward. Having data on your clients or customers also allows you to build better relationships and understand who they are.
The importance of data cannot be stressed enough, with the largest companies around the world all having some form of data capture. Joining this group of businesses can be and will be really beneficial for your business moving forward.
How Can I Capture Data
Understanding how you can capture data is the next thing you need to explore after understanding why it is important. Each and every industry will find one of these ways is most effective, as well as it being dependent on where your marketing efforts are focused. Some of the ways in which you can capture data include the following:-
Landing Pages
Building a landing page is one of the most popular ways in which to entice people to leave their data. Most landing pages will be specific to products or services in which you are offering. Or even specific landing pages to leave your data. Whatever it may be, never underestimate the power of a landing page.
Constructing a landing page needs to be clear and easy to use for your audience. Capturing data such as email address, name and contact number are easy to do in this way. One of the most common uses for a landing page is for those advertising something new or even coming soon. This is where you can get customers to register an interest to understand how popular it is going to be.
Your Website
Having a data capture method on your website is equally as important as a landing page. If your audience has found you organically or even through PPC you want to give them an option to leave data. The data you capture on your website is also really key when it comes to lead generation.
Once you have decided to use data capture on your website you need to look at where it is best used and also what pages would benefit from it. Using your Google Analytics is a great way to understand this. This piece of software will show you the pages with the most hits as well as those that have a higher bounce rate. Using it on products pages or even contact us pages is a great way to generate the data you need.
Social Media
Social Media is also one of the most popular for data capture. However, how this is done will be dependent on the platforms you are using. Usually social media is linked closely to your website or landing pages in order to direct those that want to find out more, or register an interest in new products. However, it is not uncommon for people to leave emails on the bottom of posts.
Where data capture is important is on Linkedin. LinkedIn is the ultimate B2B platform, and getting the details of companies interested in your services or business is key to success. Also, as it’s more professionally focused you are more likely to get key contact emails from people in areas you may be interested in.
To Conclude
Data Capture really does help to propel your business forward. The most powerful companies within the world will have an extensive database all built around data capture. Understanding how important is data capture to your business is integral for your success moving forward. Build a strategy that works and one that can be translated across the whole business.
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