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How To Generate Website Traffic
How to generate Website Traffic
Generating traffic for your website is a great way to firstly create interest in your business. Second, it allows you to give some more information about what you do. Third, and potentially most importantly, lots of traffic to your website is going to generate leads for your business.
Now, having a website built and put on the internet does not automatically mean you will generate traffic. This article will demonstrate the ways in which you can generate traffic to your website, and the things to consider when you are building and optimising your destination.
Having your website built
If you are a start up business and haven’t had a website built, you need to! A website provides a central destination for customers and clients to visit to find out information about your company, as well as its your products and services. Now having a website built may seem very easy, but in actual fact there are many factors to consider such as:-
- Your Audience and its purpose
- Is it mobile friendly?
- Is your website attractive?
- Your branding
As well as the above, make sure your website easy to navigate, and has all the necessary information a customer or client would require. Using easy made tabs such as About Us, Blogs, FAQ’s and Contact Us are all easy prompts for people to navigate to.
Attracting Traffic & Improving Traffic
Now you have had your website designed, you need to start attracting traffic. Attracting traffic can be difficult, but having a marketing plan will help you to know where to spend your time. The principles of attracting traffic, and also improving your traffic are very similar. Some of the things to consider are:-
Improve your website design
As mentioned in the first part of this article, website design and layout are key to attracting traffic. As people want clear information quickly, have a basic layout, and a website that is easy to navigate are all beneficial. Also, make sure you have the correct information on your website, and it is clear what your products and services are.
Use Content Marketing
Content is going to be your friend, be that the content on your website, or the content you are creating for your audience. By creating engaging, and interesting content, your readers will be drawn towards your website to find out more about you. Make sure the content on your website, and also you create has been through a rigorous SEO. This will allow you to be found easier online.
Creating content that produces results is also a key feature to how much traffic you can generate to your website. Have a look at the team at Inc and their thoughts on creating top quality content. How to Create Great Content: A Step-by-Step Guide to Content Marketing That Delivers Real Results
Promoting content to generate website traffic
You have created the content, so now time to promote it. Using free promotion such as utilising your other social media channels is a great way to get your content out to your already existing followers. However, if you are looking to reach more people, paid promotion is a great way to do this. Facebook and Instagram have an easy campaign managers app to use which will guide you through.
All of these are simple, and easy ways to drive traffic towards your website. Constant content, promotion and also website design can have a real impact on the way people view and interact with your website.
Website Conversions
You have done all the above, you have created a great website. You are promoting and putting out content regularly, but now you need to convert these people. Now what we mean by website conversions is how many people who visit your site completes a desired action. So this could be signing up for a blog or newsletter, or even leaving their details for a call back to quote. Most companies with a high traffic level look to convert around 4%-6% which may not seem a lot, however if you have thousands per day then this is can be tough.
To increase your website conversions there are a few things that you can do, some of these ideas are as follows:-
- Include as few fields as possible when asking people to sign up
- Use other client testimonials
- Make benefits to your products clear
- Use videos (Humanises the brand!)
- Include social media account links
- Make sure your website is responsive
The list is endless, and some will work more for some than others. However, trying the following and get feedback. Website feedback from your customers can be priceless.
To Conclude
A website should be used as destination for your customers to find out all they need to know before they make contact. Making a website easy to read, look good on all devices, and is up to date it can be a real benefit when looking to generate leads. It is the first place customers will see your brand, so pay as much attention to that as you do the actual products or services you offer.
Check out our blog on what a Lead Generation business does, and how it can help transform your business. How do Lead Generation Companies Work