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15 Great Ways To Increase Your Facebook Likes And Engagement
A little look into all the quick and easy ways to increase and accelerate your Facebook likes and engagement. This is our 15 great ways to increase your facebook likes and engagement.
Here is a hard truth. Your potential customers don’t just want to hear about your products and services all the time. You need to create a two way conversation and provide plenty of openings for communication.
Table of contents:
15 Great Ways To Increase Facebook Likes And Engagement..
- Know your intended audience and your purpose for using Facebook. Adapt your posts to appeal to those you are communicating with.
- From the get go, ask friends and family to like your page. It sounds a big cliché, but this is a really effective way to start generating some initial engagement and get people talking about and recognising your brand socially.
- Run competitions. I.E. “Like our page and we’ll enter you into a Prize draw” ..People are highly responsive to Free prizes and a giveaways.
- Keep Fresh and consistent. People don’t want to keep reading the same articles, they want to hear original, ahead of the curve updates and news. People like to feel like they are hearing it from the source.
- Add a Facebook Social Plugin Box to your Blog and Website. This is a guaranteed way of converting foot traffic into likes. If you are publishing great content, and immediately after reading that content people are presented with the option to “like” you on Facebook, the chances are they will do just that..
- Advertise on Facebook and run some marketing campaigns. Many top brands and organisations have had great success with this, and it is a legitimate, guaranteed way of increasing Facebook Likes and Engagement.
- Post content from your Website or Blog (the original source) onto Facebook, so people can read it on Facebook without having to navigate away from their comfort zone. Check out our Knowledge Hub for more interesting articles to inspired your taste buds.
- Include a Facebook link in your email signature. This way, everyone you talk to has a way to easily access and like your page.
- Use high definition, engaging high quality images to entice viewers. The better the impression you give off, the more likely people are going to click through onto your content if they see it come up in the Facebook News Feed.
- Add a “Follow Us” on Facebook button in the footer of your company website, or somewhere it will be frequently seen. The more you present the opportunity, the more likely you will see high rates of conversion and start provoking a significant amount of Engagement on Facebook.
- Ask Open Questions Regularly, and publish engaging posts which offer the opportunity for interaction. If you just punt out sales pitches or only talk about your products and services then you are not creating an opportunity for a two-way conversation. Open the door to communication every chance you get.
- Include the Facebook Logo and a Like button at the bottom of your email signature and anything you publish so viewers instantly know that you are live on Facebook.
- Link your Facebook page back to all social media accounts that you operate. Most Social Media platforms give you a chance to publish your details, and your Facebook page is a frequently used point of contact.
- Publish value-adding content to your viewers and readers and always have their perspective in mind. If you are helping to educate minds, then they will keep coming back to learn and grow. Place yourself at the top of the ladder as a master of your topic, and publish meaningful, high quality and well written content.
- Run special offers and discounts exclusively to your Facebook network. This will drive all people who the campaign reaches to “Like” your Facebook page so that you keep their interest, and provide an opportunity for your viewers to keep up to date the latest deals and discounts that you are offering. People will come running for a special offer, especially if it is a good one!
Some bonus points to bare in mind.
Consider your Facebook Strategy to get More Likes and Engagements.
Most business owners take the opinion, long before realising their ideal marketing strategy, that Facebook and related Social media platforms are easy technologies that create a quick fix and a big bang for their business.
This is where we can all go wrong and most often do. This is an impression left behind by those who talk about their success on Facebook and nothing more. Not their failures and learning curves. Just that they have managed to increase their Facebook likes and engagement to a level that seems unreachable.
Show Personality and Express your Individuality.
Each platform needs to be treated with an individual approach and all with attention given to detail. Every social network is different and they all operate in their own quirky little manner.
Facebook, for business, is about brand awareness, engagement and interaction, and driving communities to spread the message about your products and services.
Make Sure You Have Good Systems in Place.
Make it habitual to respond as instantly as you can to comments. When you do this regularly, you’ll get much higher engagement with your posts.
Create a consistent and uniform branding and design across all of your social media platforms.
Make use of the profile picture and cover photo. You can use your cover photo for more than just an image. Consider placing an offer or your contact details or website domain on the cover photo.
This helps direct viewers to your products and services and is a great way to increase Facebook Likes And Engagement.
Publish Fantastic, Rich – Provocative Content.
Entice viewers with captivating images, and consider the headlines of the articles you are publishing. You need to determine your CTA (call-to-action) and why viewers are likely to click and engage with your content.
To Summarise our 15 Great Ways To Increase Your Facebook Likes And Engagement:
When we said 15, we meant 15 great ways to increase your facebook likes and engagement, and hope you find this article useful. As above, you can see the proven methods and techniques that help enhance many businesses Facebook potential, and moreso, to Increase Your Facebook Likes And Engagement.
The key is to post frequently, keep consistent with your tone and what content you are choosing to publish, and don’t take it too seriously. Have a sense of humour. Place engagement and interaction at the forefront of your strategy.
Feel free to get in touch.