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The top 10 statistics you should know about YouTube
YouTube is fast becoming the go to platform for those who have the confidence to post videos. YouTube plays host to a number of companies, businesses, brands and influencers who are all competing for a piece of the pie. With more than half of the people on social media saying they are more likely to purchase from a video, YouTube has great potential to maximise your revenue. YouTube is however very much unknown territory to many companies and businesses. With that being said we have put together the top 10 statistics you should know about YouTube.
The History
YouTube was launched back in 2005 by 3 former employees of Paypal. From what they have created, the business has allowed billions of people easy access to a variety of content and features. YouTube is now one of the most searched and viewed websites on the internet.
The top 10 statistics you should know about YouTube will only scratch the surface for this social media giant. However, with the platform only being 15 years old, it has made some significant advances to world of video.
2 Billion logged-in monthly users
With 2 billion logged-in monthly users, YouTube is by far the busiest social media platform around. Also to note this is a logged-in total. The amount of visitors who also use the platform that are not logged-in is hard to track, but will be somewhere near 1 billion. This gives your videos a 3 billion person coverage each month. Staggering!
81% of 15-25 years olds use YouTube
YouTube has a growing attraction, but for 15-25 its accelerating beyond belief. This is due to a larger brand following and interest, as well as an increase in influencers. Influencers are attracting this age range by sharing brands they work with, their lives and projects they are working on.
93% of video watchers in India watch YouTube
YouTube as a platform has a great international appeal. With 93% of video watchers in India utilising its services, this can open the avenue for companies to attract an international following. Alongside India are also China and the USA, specifically due to the size of their populations.
500 Hours uploaded every minutes
YouTube is bar far becoming one of the most used, and also competitive social media platforms currently out there. Vlogs on daily life, user guidance, or comparisons are just some of the topics which are performing highly. With more uploads, it means more visitors as well.
Visitors spend on average 10 minutes plus per day on YouTube
With the average amount of time a visitor spends on YouTube per day increasing year on year, this means you have more chances to capture your audience. Yes, it is also very competitive, however those who are receiving more views are thinking outside of the box with their content.
You are 6x more likely to have your page viewed if you are on YouTube
It does what it says on the tin! With over 2 billion users per month, you are going to get more traction from putting out engaging content than on any other platform. In-video links, or advertisement will enable interested watchers to click on links to your page, products or services.
70% of users are mobile
How people digest content is forever changing, and the users of YouTube are no different. 70% of users are watching via a mobile device. Using this information you would suggest your target market would be commuters or those on their lunch break. Tailoring your videos could help you to attract followers e.g. short videos of 10 minutes maximum.
‘Which product to buy’ is the most viewed title from a business sense
Customers are now becoming increasingly more cautious and aware before parting with their hard earned cash. ‘Which product to buy’ videos are great as they offer opinions either from business, or industry experts. From this customers then put their trust in these people when making a purchase.
If you have a product which you want to market then do two things. Firstly make a YouTube video yourself. Make it informative and educational so customers get a clear idea of what you offer. Secondly, hand it out to influential people in your industry. This will help to market the product as they will have a larger following than yourself in most cases.
In the US alone YouTube make 5.5 billion in advert revenue
The US is a hotspot for YouTube advertising. $5.5 Billion is generated yearly in advertising revenue, with more and more companies spending money on advertising their products or services. Companies and businesses are finding that they are able to target their audience with adverts during other videos as well.
YouTube also operates a very complex algorithm. This will help to match up suggested videos to watchers previous history. If you are targeting your market well, then you will definitely appear in their alternative lists.
More channels earn £10,000+ year on year than anywhere else
Alongside being a great platform to advertise on, YouTube can also help to earn companies extra money. A successful platform with a large following can easily be adding £10,000 plus per annum into their account. Many influencers have seen their bank accounts soar into the millions as well from just posting videos about their life.
If you are looking to make money on YouTube then take a look at the 6 best strategies which you can use. How to Make Money on YouTube: 6 Effective Strategies
To conclude
Out of all the platforms which you can utilise in today’s social media world, YouTube is by far the one that is growing the most. It is a very competitive platform, however once you have the following it is very easy to sell to them. If you do find yourself camera shy then you can also utilise the in video advertising through YouTube itself or using influencers.
If you liked the the top 10 statistics you should know about YouTube, then take a look at our blog on how you can use YouTube for your lead generation.